
Request Access to CORe Project(s)

Follow these steps to gain access to the CBRN CORe and its resources.

* Denotes Required Field


Download and Complete Associated Forms

Step 1: Download the attached System Authorization Access Request (SAAR) and Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) forms.

Step 2: Requester signs the AUP, completes Part I of the SAAR, and then sends the SAAR to the Direct Supervisor.

Step 3: Direct Supervisor completes Part II of the SAAR Form and works with the Requester to complete Part III of the CBRN CORe Access Request Table and returns it to the Requester.

Step 4: Once the AUP is signed and Parts I through III of the SAAR are complete, Requester proceeds to Part Two below.


Attest and Upload Completed Forms

Step 1: Please enter your full legal name, email address, and phone number below.

Step 2: Please check the box below if you have an active CAC and/or PIV; leave it unchecked if you do not.

Step 3: Please upload both the completed SAAR and AUP forms to the upload section below.

Step 4: Please complete the required DISA Security Awareness and PII Training, and check both boxes below.

Step 5: Click "Submit Request" to submit your Access Request. Click "Cancel" to reset the form values.